Mobile SCADA: Freedom of Movement

When it comes to Mobile SCADA, we refer to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that can be accessed from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. This allows users to monitor and control industrial processes or automation systems from anywhere and at any time, as long as they have access to a network connection.

Mobile SCADA systems can be beneficial for various applications, including manufacturing process supervision and control, monitoring energy infrastructure, and tracking agricultural production. Furthermore, Mobile SCADA systems can be particularly useful for workers who need real-time access to field data while on the move or away from their desks.

Mobile SCADA systems use dedicated applications that run on mobile devices and communicate with the main SCADA systems through a secure network connection. Data is transmitted in real-time, enabling users to efficiently monitor and control processes.

Mobile SCADA System features

Attributes of Mobile SCADA systems may vary depending on the application and specific solution used, but some common features can include:

Remote Accessibility

Mobile SCADA systems enable users to access system data and functionality from anywhere and at any time, provided they have a network connection.

Mobile-Optimized User Interface

Mobile SCADA applications are often designed specifically for mobile devices, meaning their user interface is user-friendly and tailored to smaller screens.

Real-Time Notifications

Users can receive instant notifications and alerts about critical events, allowing them to respond promptly to issues.

Network Security

Mobile SCADA systems typically incorporate advanced security measures to safeguard data and system integrity.

Real-Time Data Analysis

Users can access real-time data and utilize analysis tools to make accurate decisions and enhance system performance.

Remote Control and Adjustment

Some Mobile SCADA systems permit users to control and adjust the system in real-time from any location.

In general, a Mobile SCADA system is a versatile and efficient solution that enables users to control and monitor critical processes from anywhere in real-time.


atvise® SCADA is adaptable to any type of industry and sector, allowing you to run live reports and visualize past actions and future actions through the predictive capacity system that it implements in its core.


Advantages of a Mobile SCADA System Compared to a Traditional One

  • Remote Accessibility:
    Mobile SCADA systems allow users to access system data and functionality from anywhere and at any time, increasing flexibility and efficiency in decision-making.
  • Greater Flexibility:
    Mobile SCADA systems enable users to monitor and control processes from any location, which can be especially useful for workers who need access to data while on the move or away from their desk.
  • Real-Time Notifications:
    Users can receive instant notifications and alerts about critical events, enabling them to respond quickly to issues and reduce downtime.
  • Enhanced Security:
    Mobile SCADA systems can offer an additional level of security, as data can be accessed through a secure connection, and additional security measures can be implemented to protect system integrity.
  • Improved Efficiency:
    Mobile SCADA systems can allow users to monitor and control processes more efficiently, which can help reduce costs and increase productivity.

Overall, a Mobile SCADA system can offer several advantages over a traditional SCADA system, making it a popular solution for many industrial and commercial applications.

How Does a Mobile SCADA System Work?

Mobile SCADA systems operate similarly to traditional SCADA systems, but with some significant differences. In general, mobile SCADA systems are SCADA systems whose monitoring and control clients, instead of being fixed PC-type stations, are applications running directly on smartphones or tablets.

The primary challenge for mobile SCADA systems is ensuring adequate security for the existing network between the mobile device and the SCADA server. Many companies want to provide SCADA access from mobile devices from anywhere, but this entails implementing much higher cybersecurity measures compared to the more traditional approach, where visualization and control clients are fixed stations within the plant, typically offering greater security and access control.

Near Future and Evolution of SCADA Systems in Industry

Future and evolution of SCADA systems focus on several key aspects, including:

  • Integration of Emerging Technologies: SCADA systems are embracing emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) to enhance efficiency and productivity.
  • Real-time Connectivity: SCADA systems are evolving to enable faster, real-time connectivity, enabling users to make more informed and faster decisions.
  • Advanced Visualization: SCADA systems are adopting advanced visualization tools such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to enhance how users interact with data.
  • Enhanced Security: SCADA systems are implementing advanced security measures to protect data and system integrity, including the deployment of cloud-based security solutions and biometric authentication.
  • Mobility: SCADA systems are evolving to be more mobile, allowing users to access system data and functionality from anywhere and at any time.

In general, future and evolution of SCADA systems are marked by the integration of cutting-edge technologies, improved connectivity, advanced visualization, enhanced security measures, and increased mobility, all aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in industrial applications.

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